Thursday, March 17, 2016

Embryo Transfer Prep

With the successful completion of our embryo transfer yesterday, we decided to show the expanse of our transfer preparations. A lot of hard work, calculation, and needles go into the embryo transfer and maintaining the pregnancy itself, and more often than not most people are unaware of how the process itself works.

I'm sure most of you have seen what our calendar looks like, it's very colorful! Each color represents us starting something, stopping something, or going into the clinic for blood work, ultrasounds and other appointments; except for the pink markers, those indicate my lazy days! :) Everything on there is a task we need to complete, an appointment we need to keep, or reminding Jack that he needs to cook dinner for two nights. It's a lot to keep track of, and I'm truly grateful for our wonderful coordinator who dedicates so much time to making sure we know what we're doing and when, and for taking the time to answer my silly questions at odd hours. We love working with UFC and I couldn't have asked for more amazing people to be surrounded by!

Here is a video update detailing how we prep for our embryo transfer!

As always, please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or comments you may have! We want to get a discussion going about infertility in our society and what we can all do to help and encourage everyone around us!

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